Welcome to the Members Only Area of https://philoloveland.org



     Welcome, Philo Member!  You began by opening the https://philoloveland.org public-facing area of our website.  That is the web area where community members can learn more about our organization and the events that are open to the public.  Also, they may offer contributions as they desire.  The public area of philoloveland.org has been created with a WIX web platform and is maintained by Jamie Powell.  Please contact Jamie with questions.  jamie.dawn.powell@gmail.com

In the public web area you – and the public – can now see our Yearbook of Philo History.  The new Philo Yearbook is online for members and the public to view.  It’s beautiful!

When you clicked on the Members Only tab you used our Philo members’ username and password to enter the website area where we post information for our members. You will also find documents that help us communicate with each other as we do good work for our Loveland/Berthoud community and as we support each other. 

What was previously called the Philo Yearbook is now the private Philo Handbook and the private Philo Membership Directory.    Are you confused?  No doubt – that is why we’re posting this information for you to review.    Carry on……..

In the Members Only website area:

     A Philo Handbook now gives the fiscal year calendar, current officers, and documents of importance for the year.  This Handbook can be opened and reviewed online.  The 23-page Handbook can also be downloaded to your desktop or printed for your desk files.

     A Photo Membership Directory is a separate multi-page document.  Again, it can be opened and reviewed online.   Also, the  Directory could be downloaded to your desktop or printed for your desk files.

Future options:

     Current and Archived Documents

     The Website Administration and Membership Directory committees will need help to review current and past documents that reveal what we’ve accomplished (over 100 years!) and what we are working on currently.  These documents will be organized and posted online or archived.

Kindly give your name to any Board officer if you have three or four afternoons this year when you can help with this 2022-2023 project of organizing our documented good works!  Much of this work can be done at your own table or desk – or together we can “wine a bit” to get it done!

Contact pegisaksonphilo@gmail.com or 970-227-7127 for more info.   



Someone who serves as a member of a philanthropic or volunteer organization for the good of the community.

“Philo,” short for Philomatheon Club, is one of the oldest service clubs in Loveland. Founded in 1918 by high school students, the club was organized as a way for young women to come together in friendship and service to the community. Today, 104 years later, these goals remain. Beginning as a small group of 10, the club has grown to over a hundred members, in groups of Active, Honorary, or Emeritus members.


“The Grandest Girls I Know”

Pink and Lavender

Flower Sweet Pea

Friendship, Service and Love Harmony, Kindness and Forbearance